Saturday, August 28, 2010

Where's the cat when you need him?

I have had enough of people. I want to avoid people. That won't happen, but oh it is a lovely thought.
There are certainly too many people in my house, hence I'm in my room with the door locked. I wish the house was empty. Entirely. Parents out and all. But no, they have to have everyone here tonight.
Wellington was great. Really great. I am looking forward to university. I want to be there. I know I'll be broke, but that's ok. I can do it, and I will.
I loved both plays we saw there, particularly Marat/Sade at Toi Whakaari. They both had bath tubs in them, but there the similarities ended. Both amazing though.
Then... people. People that seem offended by ridiculous things. I talk about another guy to my male friend, he very soon says, "ok right I'm off bye." Just the kind of thing he'd do. Jealous sort. But he has a girlfriend, so I want to slap him for that reaction.
Another situation, I think I need team veg for. Just saying. More gems for STOS. More corperate brainwashing. More idiocy. More vegan zombies.
And the final thing... when you know someone has extremely reduced the dairy they consume, especially cheese, and you cook a dish specifically for that person, why would you put cheese in it? Sorry mum, I'm not eating that. Even the smell of the cheese is off putting, and there's fruit in the house that I'd much rather eat.
There's the rant. I do apologise that it's all I use this blog for these days, but why are people so stupid?

Monday, August 23, 2010

More Ranting.

I need to clear my head. Ignore my ramblings now.
I'm tired and confused and my knee hurts. I think I am stressing too much about the boy thing. We'll just go with D for simplicity. I'm pretty sure he'll turn out to be an utter dick. I have the feeling that if I persue this it will go wrong. But also I could be totally wrong, it could be worth a try. Or I could be worrying for nothing because he may not even be interested. I've been on msn to him, and I think we are both a bit tired and grouchy but I don't think the conversation has gone brilliantly. I'm annoyed about that.
And I'm super annoyed at Max. He is pulling dick moves again. I can't believe it. I am pissed off.
In the midst of all this is MM. He's pissed off over issues of his own, sure. But even with that, right when I most needed to hear something nice from someone, he reminded me I am one of his closest friends, and told me to not forget that. Thank everything for people like him.
I am so lost about everything. I can't wait for Wellington. I need all the chances I can to get away.

ETA: Mood swing, I feel much better now, like 2 minutes later...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rant against Humanity.

Today I dressed up as Lara Croft and shot at people with a toy gun. This was fun, however I am sometimes pushed to the point where I wish the gun was real, and I had a line up of my most hated people.
This evening my outrage was at something on the news. A farm breeding pheasants, then releasing them into a park. The purpose of these pheasants? To be shot. The law here means that only the hunter can eat them. They can not be sold or given away. People were saying what a shame it was that they can't sell them and so many birds are just shot and left. How about you stop shooting the birds then? It is that fucking simple. How can anyone find killing something fun? It's barbaric. These people must be suffering from some sort of retardation or psychosis if they enjoy shooting a helpless bird.
Something that stunned me before was something that happened in drama. Walt throwing lollies at the class. This practically turned them savage as they chased the lollies attempting to get them before someone else did. It made me think of the Kiwi concept, lolly scrambles. Whilst most of the time we teach our young to share, not to snatch, and all that jazz... a lolly scramble is an occassion where the opposite is encouraged. Thinking about this baffled me. It's amazing, the little things that make people revert back to savage behaviours, when people seem to pride themselves on being civilised. People are disgusting.
In other news my cat spent a night at the vet. He's home now, with a new diet to try and prevent the same thing happening again. But he's off doing something and he's usually back for dinner by now. He does sometimes bugger off for a while, but it's a bit worrying when he's been ill. Hopefully he turns up soon.
So there you go. I hate humanity. I love my cat. Such is life.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Return To Walton's World

Year 13 Drama Trip. An event which was certainly looked forward to.

Fun. Valuable. Exhausting.

Of course it was fun. We had many good laughs. Playing KFM and Would You Rather in the girls' dorm was good fun. Shopping was great fun.
It was valuable seeing the shows. I enjoyed both of them. The acting was pretty high quality and they both had interesting ideas. I think if the right questions come up in the exam they'll be great for writing about. The most valuable part of the trip however was the visit to Toi. I was so tempted to apply this year, but didn't want to miss out on doing English. Going to Toi confirmed to me that it would be an amazing experience, but also that the experience can wait til after I experience university. I'll be 21 when I start there that way, and that isn't a bad age to be starting at Toi.
It was exhausting because we spent two very long days, and the third day although not long it was travelling and that is tiring in itself.
Now I am on sheep watching duty because one of the old girls, Rosie, is seeming pretty ill. We have had to help her up a couple of times. Possibly pneumonia. Not sure she'll make it through the night really. It's sad because you can tell she's trying really hard to keep going but she's just so weak. Poor girl.