Thursday, May 21, 2009

Life In Procrastination

It would seem I have been procrastinating with a lot of things lately, including making a blog entry. My writing has been more poetry directed over the past couple of weeks, due to some stressful sorts of things going on.
For the whole of last week it seemed everyone was just not having a good time. By the end of the week most of us were exhausted. Between Sheilah Winn, theatre sports and the issues of my friends, I was shattered. Some friends were arguing, some were depressed, one had gone quiet and although it's expected of him I do not enjoy it happening.
The beginning of this week arrived and I had been hoping it would be better. Taking that stress for a second week running would have pushed me over. Monday, things got worse. Friend that had gone quiet was not talking to me, and I really didn't know why. After a couple of days of digging and trying to make him talk to me I finally got answers out of him. I was then able to demand being able to see him at some point, and although it turned out our lunch times and break times were too busy to really see much of eachother, I did get some time after a careers expo trip when he had a free period, and texting is a fair compromise too.
With the being ignored, in a very icy manner, over, I was able to cheer up a bit. I am still fairly stressed, though. Next week there are mock exams, which I haven't studied for, and don't really have time to study for, so I will just be hoping for the best. Also next week every one of my lunchtimes will be consumed by Sheilah Winn, along with Tuesday evening. Then after all that, it's a 5am start to head to Wellington Friday morning, for the national festival over the weekend. This thought makes me excited and nervous but I'm sure the weekend will be amazing fun, particularly seeing some NYDS folks, and shopping.
More stress comes through enterprise work and class drama. Very time consuming subjects. Time which I do not have. Nuts, but I will survive, pulling out the brief times I have to browse Facebook and write to my dear blog.
I think that is a suitable update. Time for Facebook.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Life In Uncertainty

I've been a little confused lately. With all this love around, I'm feeling like I want to trip... Infact I'm feeling poetic.

When you want to trip,
Feel like you want to fall,
Who is it going to catch you,
Save you from all,
All in your mind,
Which is slipping from your grip,
Losing yourself this day,
At the end of your own finger tips,
Contemplation comes and goes,
Confusion set deep,
Flying up, falling down,
Crashing, wanting to weep.

There. That sorta sums it up. It's not everything, though. I don't know. My thoughts are full of confusion which you will make no sense of, so I'll give up on this.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Life In The Eye of The Storm

Right, this was written a couple of days ago in study, finally getting to typing it, so yes, I am slack with updates.

"It seems I've found a moment of calm. I've run out of work to do in study, and possibly due to the very beautiful song that just played (Never Saw Blue - Hayley Westenra) I feel rather calm. However, the way things are lately, and knowing my near future is busy, there is an edgy feeling to this calm, telling me it won't last long.
Apparently I'm slacking on my blog, since Vicky tells me I need to update, and we know how often she does that! I'm thinking the only important thing that's happened since I last posted is the ball. It was fantastic. I had to work the day of it, but my supervisor was lovely and let me leave early, so I had plenty of time to be ready. I went to a pre-ball at my friend Charlotte's house, which we took photos of everyone at, and we all scrub up pretty good. Then it was time to go. "Got ticket, got ID, got girl." I said, pulling Kyla up to me. "Hey, why don't I have a girl?" Uta complained, so I took Kyla over to him, we took an arm each and said, "Here, have two." That led to spending the night as a three. Sorry, Vicky. I was a slack date.
After the ball the three of us headed back to Nick's with him."
That's as far as time allowed me to get, so to round off the story.
We stayed up all night, and by morning when Allison (Nick's mother) gave us breakfast, Uta looked like a zombie, and Kyla and I were still totally energetic. I then spent Sunday with Kyla. All in all, a brilliant weekend.

Now, a short post which ought to be what I'm up to now, if I hadn't taken so long getting that up.
Life In Lovelessness
Everyone has crushes at the moment! Except me, it seems. I don't mind terribly, and it is rather cute hearing all about other people's likes, and not telling the people that constantly pester me to know. I do feel a little lonely and loveless, though. Oh well.