I had work today. I work in a cafe in my village. It's a good saturday job, for the simple fact my work mates are great. We spend our days insulting each other, and finding sexual innuendo in all that we can. It's fun. =] I was going to share one of our witty remarks from today, but of course I can't remember one.
Now, to the title. I decided to get my camera out, and fight the creative block. I had a sweet idea for a photo series, of the animals with a rose. I got the most adoarble picture of my cat with the rose, I was happy with this good start. Speak of the devil, the cat just came up into my room, and is now happily stretched out on the spare bed that's in my room right now. He's not allowed on the beds, but shh, don't tell. Oh dear, he's giving my windchimes an exasperated look, apparently that noise isn't welcome.
But, back to the story of the photo series. I then moved onto the sheep. I set the rose on one of them, and was about to take a shot, when it fell, and that damn sheep ate the rose! That was the end of that idea.
So, to share with my one current reader, the photo of the cat.

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